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Australian Championships (C Grade)

Mon 10 Apr 1950

Format: Sacred, March, Set Test and Own Choice Contest
Venue: Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Position Band Conductor Music Edit Results

The scheduled 1949 Australian championships (the first held in Tasmania) were postponed until this date.

Timeline of events:
November 1948: Announced that the 1949 championship would be held in
Tasmania, the first time held there.
Originally scheduled: Venue - York Oval, Launceston commencing 14th November 1949.
May 1949: Date changed to 24th-28th December 1949; 25 + bands anticipated to attend, 15 from interstate.
2nd November 1949: Championship abandoned due to poliomyelitis epidemic.
17th December 1949: Approval from Australian Band Council to hold the 1949 championships on the following Easter (8th-10th April 1950).
It seems only 3 bands entered (all A Grade and from Victoria; Tasmania had no A Grade bands at the time).
The contest opened on Sunday 9th with the quickstep march for A grade; 8 local lower grade bands attended for display only.
Monday 10th at 2pm: "A" grade played their test and O/C selections.

No lower grade contests were held.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/