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Cawthorne Contest

Sat 24 Jun 1899

Format: Own Choice Test Piece Contest
Adjudicators: George Wadsworth
Venue: Cawthorne, Yorkshire

Position Band Conductor Music
1 Rotherham Borough Edwin Swift Rossini [arr. Round] 1891
2 Dannemora Steel Works Robert Richford Rossini [arr. Round] 1891
3 Chesterfield Temperance Charles John Elsom Rossini [arr. Round] 1891
4 King Cross Squire Firth
5 Chapeltown Unknown
Skelmanthorpe Unknown
W Kippax Old

Promoted by Cawthorne Subscription Brass Band

1st prize £10.
2nd prize £6.
3rd prize £3.
4th prize £1.

March contest 1st (£1) Chesterfield Borough, 2nd (10s.) Chapeltown.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/