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Durham County Band League Group Contest

Sat 27 Apr 1946

Format: Other
Adjudicators: J. B. Wright
Venue: Victoria Hall, West Stanley, County Durham

Position Band Conductor
1 Crookhall Colliery Unknown
2 Morrison Colliery Unknown
3 Pelton Fell Unknown
4 West Pelton Unknown
South Moor Unknown
Tanfield Lea Unknown

Own choice selection, march and waltz.
March contest - 1st Pelton Fell, 2nd Crookhall, 3rd South Moor, 4th West Pelton.
Waltz contest - 1st Crookhall, 2nd Pelton Fell, 3rd Tanfield Lea, 4th West Pelton.
Overall winners - 1st Crookhall, 2nd Pelton Fell, 3rd West Pelton.,

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/