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NWABBA Contest (Championship Section)

Sun 11 Dec 1960

Format: Own Choice Test Piece Contest
Adjudicators: Alfred Ashpole , Cyril B. Carter
Venue: Queens Hall, Preston, Lancashire, England, UK

Position Band Conductor Music Draw Points
1 Hoggarths J. A. Hughes 5 386
2 Haigh Harry Bentham 3 383
2 Eccles Borough Edward Buttress 4 383
4 Mossley Derek Sanderson 2 382
Storeys of Lancaster Arthur Brownbill 1
Barrow Shipyard Herbert Sutcliffe 6

Prizes - 1st £18 and rose bowl, 2nd £10 and cup, 3rd £5.
6 bands competed.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/