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SWBBA Contest (Championship Section)

Sat 27 Nov 1965

Format: Own Choice Test Piece Contest
Test Piece: Coriolanus 1914
Adjudicators: Rex Mortimer
Venue: Queen's Theatre, Barnstaple, Devon, England, UK

Position Band Conductor Music Points
1 Bodmin Town William D. Lawton 185
2 Sherborne Town C. L. White 175
3 Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge W. S. Farr 172
Durnovaria Silver (Dorchester) Edwin Otter

Hymn tune - Spelbrook

1st prize - The Brookholding Dawes Silver Cup and Music Vouchers
2nd prize - The Ronald Whiteway Silver Trophy
3rd prize - The Bedwell Memorial Shield

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/