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Bands starting with J

Showing 137 of 12,744 bands. This is a list of current or last known names, previous band names can be found by searching.

Starts with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Show All

Name Region Contest Results
J36 Brass North of England 12
Jackfield Elcock Reisen Band Midlands 228
Jackson Street Mission North West 9
Jacksonville State University Brass Band United States of America 2
Jaguar Car Works Midlands 33
Jaguar Land Rover Band Midlands 0
JAMBO Brass Freiamt Switzerland 1
James Fitzgerald Memorial Band Republic of Ireland 9
James Madison University Brass Band United States of America 21
James Madison University Honors Youth Brass Band United States of America 0
James' Street Republic of Ireland 1
James Young High School Cluster Band Scotland 3
Jamestown and Vale of Leven Scotland 10
Jamestown Temperance Scotland 8
Jammerbugt Brass Band& Denmark 1
Jammerbugt Garden Denmark 22
Jandowae Town Australia 3
Jannali High School Concert Australia 2
Japan Ladies' Brass Japan 0
Japan Staff Band of the Salvation Army Japan 0
Jaren Hornmusikkforening Norway 81
Jarretts Brass Midlands 2
Jarrow (1st Durham) North of England 1
Jarrow Borough North of England 81
Jarrow Engineers North of England 1
Jarrow Free Gardeners North of England 1
Jarvis Industrial Welfare North of England 18
Jayess (Queensbury) Band Yorkshire 88
Jayess (Queensbury) Junior Yorkshire 23
Jayess '87 Yorkshire 46
Jayess Newbiggin Brass Band North of England 37
JBB Früh Frech Junior Switzerland 7
JBB Regionale Musikschule Liestal Switzerland 6
JBB Wiggertal-Hürntal Switzerland 19
JBL-Juniors Switzerland 3
JD Brass Band 'Pavilnys' Lithuania 1
Jedforest Instrumental Scotland 107
Jedforest Junior Band Scotland 2
Jenkins Private Band -- Wellington New Zealand 1
Jeparit Brass (Vic Australia 2
Jericho Brass Band United States of America 2
Jersey Premier Brass London and Southern Counties 40
Jeugdbrassband Hosannah Leeuwarden Netherlands 2
Jeugdbrassband Kempenzonen Belgium 2
Jeugdbrassband Midden-Brabant Belgium 2
Jeugdbrassband Solex Netherlands 2
Jeugdorkest Kunst en Vriendschap Meeuwen Netherlands 1
JF Brass Unknown 2
JM Aarwangen Switzerland 6
John Agnew Canberra Australia 0
John Clark Memorial Australia 1
John Dickinson (Apsley) Band London and Southern Counties 214
John Dillon Republic of Ireland 1
John Johansson Sweden 0
John Knowles Works Midlands 6
John Laing (Hendon) Band London and Southern Counties 162
John Leggott College (Scunthorpe) Midlands 2
John Paul College Wind Orchestra - Logan City (Qld) Australia 1
John Septimus ACS School Senior Concert - Perth (WA) Australia 1
John Taylor School Midlands 7
John Thompson Works Band Midlands 82
John Waddington Yorkshire 0
John White Footwear Midlands 13
Johnson and Nephews North West 2
Johnston Memorial Northern Ireland 3
Johnstone Band Scotland 248
Jondal Skulemusikklag Norway 5
Jones I X L (Hobart) Australia 6
Jong Soli Deo Gloria Netherlands 1
Jonsvatnet Brass Norway 4
Joshua School Band Uganda 0
Joyous Brass United States of America 0
Juband Thierstein Laufental Switzerland 2
Jubilee Brass (Oxford) London and Southern Counties 158
Jubilee Brass (Oxford) B London and Southern Counties 6
Jubilee Brass (Redditch) Midlands 0
Jubilee Brass (Southampton) West of England 0
Jubilee Brass of the Salvation Army Canada 0
Jubilee Concert (Horncastle) Midlands 3
Juelsminde Pigegarde Denmark 6
Jugend Brass Band beider Basel Switzerland 0
Jugend Brass Band Blechklang Germany 2
Jugend Brass Band Eglisau Switzerland 0
Jugend Brass Band Flühli-Sörenberg Switzerland 1
Jugend Brass Band Graubünden Switzerland 4
Jugend Brass Band Hildisrieden-Schwarzenberg Switzerland 3
Jugend Brass Band Imboden Switzerland 13
Jugend Brass Band Michelsamt Switzerland 46
Jugend Brass Band Nebikon-Altishofen-Schötz Switzerland 20
Jugend Brass Band Neuenkirch Switzerland 11
Jugend Brass Band Oberer Sempachersee Switzerland 13
Jugend Brass Band Ostschweiz Switzerland 0
Jugend Brass Band Potzblech Germany 6
Jugend Brass Band RML Switzerland 13
Jugend Brass Band Schwarzbubenland Switzerland 1
Jugend Brass Band Zurzibiet Switzerland 2
Jugend Brassband Südtirol Italy 1
Jugendblasorchester Kleinmachnow Germany 1
Jugendensemble Brass Band Kappel Switzerland 3
Jugendmusik Bonaduz/Rhäzüns Switzerland 1
Jugendmusik BrassWave Switzerland 1
Jugendmusik Davos Switzerland 1
Jugendmusik Grub AR-Eggersriet-Grub SG Switzerland 4
Jugendmusik Jenaz Switzerland 16
Jugendmusik Oberkirch-Nottwil Switzerland 12
Jugendmusik Obervaz / Lenzerheide Switzerland 6
Jugendmusik Rehetobel Switzerland 7
Jugendmusik Santenberg Switzerland 2
Jugendspiel Prättibeaters Switzerland 1
Julabygda Brass Norway 4
Juliana Kollumerzwaag Netherlands 7
Juliana Uitwijk Netherlands 1
Jump Yorkshire 7
Junction Foundry (Hull) North of England 1
Junction Reed Band Midlands 1
Junior Brass Aedermannsdorf Switzerland 19
Junior Brass Band Grischun Central Switzerland 4
Junior Brass Band MG Reiden Switzerland 25
Junior Brass Waltenschwil Switzerland 2
Junior Leaders Regiment West of England 34
Junior Oddfellows (Ipswich) London and Southern Counties 1
Junior Varsity All-Star Brass Band United States of America 16
Junior-Band d. Feldmusik Knutwil Switzerland 2
Juniorkorpset Helleland og Hellvik Skolekorps Norway 1
Juniors Brass Seetal Switzerland 3
Jupp's Silver Wellington New Zealand 12
Jurassic Brass Switzerland 1
Just Brass [Spain] Spain 0
Just Brass 79 [France] France 0
Just Brass Geelong Australia 3
JYMY Brass Band Finland 0
Jyväskylän Helluntaiseurakunnan Soittokunta Finland 0
Järfälla Brass Band Sweden 6
Jølster Musikklag Norway 52
Jørpeland Musikkorps Norway 4
Jørpeland Skolekorps Norway 2
Jåtten Skolekorps Norway 42

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Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/