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Bands starting with U

Showing 119 of 12,744 bands. This is a list of current or last known names, previous band names can be found by searching.

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Name Region Contest Results
U3A Sandbach an District Band North West 0
Uckfield British Legion London and Southern Counties 1
Uckfield Concert Brass London and Southern Counties 149
UDI Brass Scotland 72
Uffes Blås Brass Band Sweden 12
Uffes Blås Youth Brass Band Sweden 5
UGA British Brass Band United States of America 2
UK Paper Band Sittingbourne London and Southern Counties 29
Uley P.S.A West of England 9
Uley Town West of England 3
Ulrichsbläser Büchlberg (UBS) Germany 0
Ulsmåg Skole Musikkorps Norway 2
Ulster Orchestra Youth Brass Band Northern Ireland 0
Ulverston Junior North West 1
Ulverston Municipal Australia 1
Ulverston Town Band [Cumbria] North of England 38
Ulverston Training North of England 2
Ulverstone Municipal Band [Tasmania] Australia 124
Ulverstone Municipal Juniors Australia 37
Ulverstone Municipal Juniors No.2 Australia 1
Ulverstone Municipal No.2 Australia 2
Ulverstone Rangers (Tas) Australia 4
Ulveset Skulekorps Norway 7
Ulvik skulemusikklag Norway 1
Ungdomskorpset Samklang Norway 16
Union Cornet Band United States of America 0
Union de Venthône Switzerland 2
Union Instrumentale Ayent-Anzère Switzerland 3
Union Instrumentale de Forel (Lavaux) Switzerland 15
Union Instrumentale Delémont Switzerland 1
Union Instrumentale Troistorrents Switzerland 10
Union Paroissiale Sâles Switzerland 3
Union Place Military Midlands 2
Unison Kinneil Band Scotland 312
Unite the Union (City of Sheffield) Yorkshire 394
United Brass Belgium 12
United Brass Schaffhausen Switzerland 9
United Co-op Crewe North West 0
United Co-op Crewe Youth North West 82
United Harmonic (Boston) Midlands 1
United Harriet Colliery Band Germany 2
United Midlands Brass Midlands 5
United Mine Workers Federation Band Australia 16
United Norwest Co-op Normid 2000 Youth North West 31
United Norwest Co-op Rochdale Band North West 106
United Services London and Southern Counties 1
United Sherwood (Sutton-in-Ashfield) Midlands 3
Unity Brass B Band Midlands 34
Unity Brass Training Midlands 9
Unity Brass Youth Midlands 6
Uniun da musica Lantsch Switzerland 13
Uniun da musica Sagogn Switzerland 15
Universal Brass Band Wil Switzerland 35
Universities of Birmingham Midlands 18
Universities Vytautas-Magnus & Kaunas Lithuania 1
University Brass United States of America 1
University of Bath West of England 3
University of Chichester Brass Band London and Southern Counties 10
University of East Anglia London and Southern Counties 2
University of Florida Brass Band United States of America 1
University of Huddersfield Yorkshire 23
University of Hull Band North of England 7
University of Illinois British Brass Band United States of America 0
University of Liverpool Brass Band North West 0
University of Newcastle Concert (NSW) Australia 9
University of Newcastle Conservatorium Junior Concert (NSW) Australia 1
University of Newcastle Crotchets & Quavers (NSW) Australia 5
University of Newcastle Juniors Australia 1
University of Newcastle Wind Orchestra (NSW) Australia 7
University of North Texas Brass Band United States of America 0
University of Northern Iowa Brass Band United States of America 1
University of Nottingham Midlands 39
University of Sheffield Alumni Yorkshire 18
University of Sheffield Brass Band Yorkshire 65
University of the West of England West of England 1
University of Warwick Band Midlands 195
University of Washington Husky Marching Band United States of America 1
University of York Band North of England 85
Unley Concert Band Australia 21
UNSL N S W Pipers (NSW) Australia 1
Unsworth Public North West 11
Upholland Temperance North West 1
Uplands (Smethwick) Midlands 17
Uplands Seedy. School Boys Midlands 4
Uplands Warley Midlands 2
Upper Canada Brass Canada 2
Upper Hutt Concert Brass New Zealand 1
Upper Hutt Cosmopolitan Brass New Zealand 63
Upper Norwood SA Band London and Southern Counties 0
Upper Rhondda Wales 0
Upper Rhondda Brass Band Wales 69
Upper Rhondda Comprehensive School Wales 18
Upper Rhondda Juniors Wales 7
Upper Stoke Midlands 1
Uppermill Band North West 480
Upton Branch Y.M.C.A. Yorkshire 4
Upton Colliery Workpeople's Band Yorkshire 72
Upton W.M.C. Yorkshire 1
Upwell London and Southern Counties 6
Urchfont West of England 2
Urmston & Davyhulme North West 0
Urmston & Davyhulme 'B' North West 20
Urmston St. Clement's North West 8
Urpeth Colliery North of England 38
Usk Brass Band Wales 52
Usk Town Band Wales 14
Usk Volunteers (4th V.B. S.W.B.) Wales 0
Usk Youth Wales 6
Uskedalen Musikklag Norway 3
Uskedalen Skulekorps Norway 1
Usworth and District North of England 3
Usworth Colliery North of England 13
Utah Premiere Brass United States of America 0
Utsira Brass Band Norway 0
Utsonomiya Brass Society Japan 0
Uttoxeter Town Brass Midlands 42
UWCSEA Dover Brass Band Singapore 2
Uxbridge and Hillingdon Silver London and Southern Counties 1
Uxbridge Providence London and Southern Counties 10

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Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/