HOW THE POINTS ADDED UP; The points awarded depended on the number of band participated ; Each individual adjudicator placing the bands according to the points awarded ie 1st place x 9 pts
2nd x 8 pts ; 3rd x 7 pts ; descending to 9th place x 1 pt
Own Choice
Victorian Metropolitan Fire Brigade
H.Shugg -- J.J. Kelly -- J. Compton
----95---------- 93--------- 92----=27 pts
----94---------- 93--------- 98----=25
St. John Ambulance Brigade
----89----------91-----------94----= 21.5
----92----------94-----------93----= 21
----------------------------Total--- = 42.5
Wellington Watersiders (NZ)
---90----------- 87-----------87---= 17
---93------------92-----------89---= 18
-----------------------------Total---= 35
NSW Railway Institute
----86----------- 92----------88----=17
----90---------- -89--------- 94----=17.5
--------------------------- -Total---=34.5
Northern Suburbs
-----------------------------Total--= 32.5
Barrier Industrial Union
---- 82--------- 79---------- 82------= 7
-----95--------- 90---------- 94--- = 22.5
Bathurst District
-----87--------- 86---------- 89-----= 15
---- 82--------- 83--------- 83 ---- --= 9
N S W Road Transport
-----78--------- 83--------- 78-------=6
----- 78--------- 80 ---------78----- = 5.5
-----------------------------Total ----=11.5
Newcastle Ex Servicemen
------75-------- 78---------- 81------= 5 -
------------------------------Total --= 8.5