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Bo'ness Contest

Sat 18 Jun 1966

Format: Test Piece Contest
Adjudicators: Samuel Balmforth Wood
Venue: Bo'ness, Falkirk, Scotland, UK

Position Band Conductor Points
1 Kinneil Colliery Unknown 188
2 Lochgelly Public Unknown 187
3 Tullis Russell Mills Unknown 186
Cowdenbeath Public Unknown
Newtongrange Lothian Unknown
Shotts St. Patrick's Unknown

Best section 2 band - Newtongrange Lothian.
Best section 3 band - Cowdenbeath Public.
Best section 4 band - Shotts St Patrick's.
Deportment - Newtongrange Lothian.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/