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Chapeltown Contest

Sat 06 Aug 1898

Format: Own Choice Test Piece Contest
Adjudicators: Joseph Walker
Venue: Chapeltown, Sheffield

Position Band Conductor Music
1 Handsworth Woodhouse John William Cook Meyerbeer [arr. Round] 1898
2 Rawmarsh Fenton Renshaw Rossini [arr. Round] 1891
3 Grimesthorpe Joseph Brookes Selection from Weber [arr. Round] 1890
4 Tinsley Park John Jubb
Newhall Unknown

Promoted by Thorncliffe Brass Band
Prizes: £7, £3, £2, £1
March contest: 1. Grimesthorpe, 2. Handsworth Woodhouse
5 bands competed

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/