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Blasmusiktag - Wil, SG (Marschmusik)

Sat 03 May 2014

Format: March Contest (Music and Inspection Points)
Venue: Uzwil, SG, Switzerland

Position Band Conductor Music Music Inspection Points
1 Musig Lenggenwil Josef Meienhofer 191 82 91
2 Bürgermusik Untereggen Stefan Roth 188 75 87.67
3 Musikgesellschaft Zuckenriet Walter Blatter 173 87 86.67

Event held as Blasmusiktag (before St. Galler Kantonal-Musikfest 2014) <

totally 10 participating Bands (mixed Brass/Wind, sep. 3 Bands with Evolutions; Music 2x & Inspection 1x counted > Average = Final Points)

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/