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N S W State Championships ("A" Grade Quickstep March)

Sun 04 Oct 1959

Format: March Contest (Music and Inspection Points)
Adjudicators: Harry Shugg
Venue: Kogarah Oval, New South Wales, Australia

Position Band Conductor Music Draw Points
1 St.John Ambulance Brigade Albert Baile March: The Scindian
2 70
1 Barrier Industrial Union -- Broken Hill Harold Walmsley March: Battle Abbey
3 70
3 Burwood Band Albert Baile March: The Conqueror
1 65
3 Wollongong City Tom Gawn March: Appreciation
5 65
5 Portland Boys Ted Simons March: Harlequin 1910
4 64

QUICKSTEP MARCH ABANDONED -- Owing to wet weather the Quickstep March set down for Kogarah Oval was abandoned and judge on music only played on stage at the Mortdale Theatre where all all stage performances was held.

Drum Majors

  1. Jack Hansen
  2. Roger Lundy
  3. Jack Hansen
  4. V. Cluth
  5. Bill Hutchinson

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/