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North American Championships (Championship Section)

Sat 29 Mar 2008

Format: Set Test and Own Choice
Test Piece: St. Magnus 2004
Adjudicators: Stephen Bulla , James Curnow , Curtis Metcalf
Venue: W. L. Lyons Brown Theatre, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Position Band Conductor Music Set Test Draw Own Choice Draw Set Test Own Choice Total
1 Fountain City Joseph Parisi Music of the Spheres 2004
5 6 292 289.5 291.0
2 Chicago Brass Band Colin Holman On Alderley Edge 1997
6 3 286 278 282.8
3 Brass Band of Columbus Tim Jameson Extreme Make-over 2005
1 2 276 273 274.8
4 James Madison University Kevin Stees ...Dove Descending 1999
2 5 270 281 274.4
5 Atlantic Brass Band Salvatore Scarpa Passacaglia on a Theme of Brahms 1991
4 1 271.5 264 268.5
6 Illinois Brass Band Ryan T. Nelson Jazz 1996
3 4 265.5 269 266.9

Total points calculated as 60% of Set Piece score plus 40% of Own Choice score

Test piece section held at Stern Concert Hall, Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana; this was the first year that a single section was split over two venues.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/