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Regionalmusiktag - BMVTGOG, SO (Marschmusik)

Sun 17 Jun 2018

Format: March Contest
Venue: Mümliswil, SO, Switzerland

Position Band Conductor Music Points
1 Brass Band Frohsinn Laupersdorf Wolfgang Nussbaumer 89.3
1 Brass Band Solothurn Martin Bütikofer 89
1 MG Konkordia Aedermannsdorf Bernhard Wüthrich 90.3
2 Brass Band Matzendorf Marcel Bossert 90.3

held on June 16th & 17th

25 Bands competed (mixed Brass/Wind, sep. Saturday & Sunday; 1 Band sep. with Evolutions).

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/