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Scottish Championship (First Section)

Sat 08 Mar 2025

Format: Test Piece Contest
Test Piece: Introduction, Elegy and Caprice 1978
Adjudicators: David Barringer , Mark Wilkinson
Venue: Perth Concert Hall, Perth, Perth & Kinross, Scotland, UK

Position Band Conductor Draw Points
1 Granite City Brass Bruce Wallace 5 195
2 Newtongrange Silver Anne Crookston 8 194
3 Newmains & District Paul McKelvie 1 193
4 Newmilns & Galston Alan Friel 6 192
5 Kinneil Allan Ramsay 7 191
6 Lochgelly Chris Shanks 4 190
7 Dalkeith & Monktonhall James Chamberlain 2 188
8 Dunaskin Doon Ralph Brill 9 187
9 Clackmannan District Paul Drury 3 185
10 Johnstone Joshua Parkhill 10 184

Best Horn: Ben Williams - Granite City Brass
Best Instrumentalist: Lewis Catto, Euphonium - Granite City Brass

Granite City and Newtongrange Silver receive an invitation to represent Scotland at the First Section National Finals of Great Britain 2025.
Granite City Brass and Newtongrange Silver will be promoted to the Scottish Championships Championship Section in 2026.
Johnstone and Clackmannan will be relegated to the Scottish Championships Second Section in 2026.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/