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Skinningrove Contest

Sat 15 Feb 1902

Format: Test Piece Contest
Test Piece: The Slave
Adjudicators: J. B. Cooper
Venue: Carlin How, Skinningrove, North Yorkshire

Position Band Conductor
1 Brotton Temperance T. Winter
2 Brotton Old Herbert Milburn
3 Guisborough William Holdsworth
4 Charlton's Star of Hope Charles Henry Kay
5 Skinningrove Miners T. Martin
6 Loftus R. Winter

6 bands competed

March contest - 1st - Charlton's Star of Hope, 2. Skinningrove, 3. Brotton Old, 4. Brotton Temperance, 5. Loftus.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/