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Slaithwaite Contest

Mon 18 Apr 1927

Format: Test Piece Contest
Test Piece: Il Flauto Magico [arr. Gladney] 1870
Adjudicators: George Hawkins
Venue: Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire

Position Band Conductor
1 Holme Noel Thorpe
2 Hinchliffe Mill Noel Thorpe
3 Glazebury Joseph Jennings
4 Friendly Subscription Joseph Crawford Dyson
5 Sowerby Bridge B. Parker
Bradford City Unknown
Denby Dale Unknown
Meltham Mills Joseph Crawford Dyson
Norland George Ramsden
Scapegoat Hill Gordon Lawson
Spenborough Victoria Unknown
Wyke J. W. Jackson

Promoted by Slaithwaite Brass Band.
Prizes - £20, 2nd £12, 3rd £7, 4th £5, 5th £3
March: 1. Hinchliffe, 2. Friendly.
12 bands competed.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/