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Tanunda Band Contest (B Grade)

Sat 04 Nov 1978

Format: Set Test and Own Choice
Venue: Tanunda Recreation Grounds, Tanunda, South Australia, Australia

Position Band Conductor Music Set Test Draw Own Choice Draw Set Test Own Choice Total
1 St. John Ambulance Brigade Peter Hutchings 3 4 89 90 179
2 Box Hill (Vic) Geoff Morrison 1 2 88 87 175
3 Ararat City (Vic) Ray Humphries 2 3 85 80 165
4 City of Enfield Ron Arthur 4 1 79 78 157

1960 1977 inclusive - contests held at Tanunda were for the South Australian State Championships ---
with exception 1968 Australian National Championships
Results entered under those titles

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/