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Embracing Duality 2025

This new work by the 2024 4BR 'Newcomer of the Year' award winning composer is inspired by Norse mythology and the figure of Hel, the ruler of the underworld.

A complex figure reflecting on the cyclical nature of life and death, Hel represents the idea that death is not to be feared, but instead should be accepted as a natural part of existence, with her realm, Helheim, serving as a place of rest and judgement for departed souls.

Hel is often depicted as having a dual appearance; one half of her body of a living woman, while the other half that of a corpse — symbolising her dominion over both life and death.

Composer: Ingebjørg Vilhelmsen
Type: Test Piece

Date Contest Winner
10 May 2025 European Championships (Challenge Section)

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/