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Quest 2020

The piece portrays the excitement of being a young Christian in today's world; not dwelling on any negatives but celebrating the positives. The title, 'Quest', conveys the idea of a journey that has a purpose and a goal. The work is separated into three movements, each depicting a different aspect of a young Christian's journey through life.

I. Making A Difference
II. Making Time
III. Making Progress

More infomation: https://samusicindex.com/brass/quest/10325

Composer: Paul Sharman
Type: Test Piece

Date Contest Band Position
30 Jun 2024 Solothurner Kantonal-Musikfest (Second Section) Musikgesellschaft Konkordia Aedermannsdorf 1
05 May 2024 European Youth Championship (Development Section) Ytrebygda skolekorps 2

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/