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Sanctuary! 2019

Created to challenge experienced youth and community bands, Sanctuary! is inspired by Victor Hugo’s novel of 1931, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The title is a reference to the climax of the story when heroic Quasimodo rescues Esmerelda from death and carries her to the top of the bell tower whilst screaming “Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary!”.
work in in three movements, dominated by the sound of bells. The first movement, Cour des Miracles, depicts the sounds of a colourful festival with the bells of Notre Dame ringing joyously.
The second, Miséricorde, is an ardent song from the bell ringer, Quasimodo, to his adored Esmerelda, declaring his unbounded love.
The final movement, ANANKH, refers to the message that Hugo intended for the book, fate and destiny. The suite concludes with a reprise of the love song, signifying hope and restoration.

Composer: Daniel Hall
Type: Test Piece

Date Contest Band Position

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/