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Haltwhistle Contest

Sat 05 Jul 1924

Format: Test Piece Contest
Test Piece: Gems of Italian Opera 1916
Adjudicators: George H. Mercer
Venue: Haltwhistle, Northumberland

Position Band Conductor
1 South Moor Colliery Joseph Crawford Dyson
2 Boldon Colliery William Heap
3 Workington Town Reg Hutchinson
4 Chopwell Colliery Walter Nuttall
5 Haltwhistle Old William Lowes
6 Bardon Mill Silver Model William E. Graham

March: 1. South Moor, 2. Workington, 3. Boldon, 3. Chopwell.
Prizes - 1st £24, 2nd £12, 3rd £6, 4th £3, 5th £2.
3rd annual contest.
6 bands competed.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/